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Greater Capital Area Association of Realtors®

GCAAR invests in Transactions (zipForm® Edition) as a member benefit

Jan 12, 2022

As you may be aware, at the end of 2021 NAR will no longer provide access to Transactions (you probably know it as zipForm®). But not to worry – GCAAR has you covered! Under a new agreement between GCAAR and LoneWolf Technologies, GCAAR is purchasing this service for you to make sure you continue to have access to this important tool as a member benefit.

What does this mean?

GCAAR members will continue to enjoy the same benefits they’ve come to enjoy from Transactions (zipForm® Edition) – as part of your GCAAR membership. This includes:

  • Access to GCAAR’s Montgomery County and Washington, D.C. real estate forms
  • Access to the popular forms engine, where you can add and manage your own custom documents
  • Unlimited zipVault® document storage
  • Access to future enhancements and upgrades to Transactions

FCAR and PGCAR forms now available!

Additionally, GCAAR is thrilled to announce an agreement with Frederick County Association of REALTORS® and Prince George’s County Association of REALTORS®. GCAAR members will now have access to their forms in zipForm® and members of those associations will have access to GCAAR’s Montgomery County forms in zipForm®. It’s a win-win!

GCAAR is always looking for ways to make your membership more valuable. We know Transactions (zipForm® Edition) is an important business tool for many GCAAR members and we didn’t want to see you lose access with the expiration of NAR’s agreement. This is one more reason why it pays to be a GCAAR member!

Please reach out to GCAAR’s Member Services team at 301-590-8769 or if you have any questions.